TVWBB member KellyMc from Austin, Texas picked up this 1998 Weber Genesis 1100 redhead on Craigslist for just $45.
“I spent about $160 on paint, wood and finishes, warming basket and shelf, catch pan and holder, cover and a propane tank,” says Kelly. “I’ve used it half a dozen times already and it works great. I like it so much better than something new that would have cost twice as much or would have been half as well-made.”

What really stands out about Kelly’s restoration is the woodwork. “I used cedar from Home Depot — 1x2s for the side shelf and just plain fence pickets for the bottom shelf. The handle is the original wood, which seems like very cheap pine, with the gray paint sanded off.
“I sanded everything thoroughly and did 3 or 4 coats of teak oil. Then I sanded again and topped with spray-on spar varnish. I think I did 2 or 3 coats, sanding between each. It looks quite nice and seems plenty water-resistant. I keep it completely covered between uses, so I’m hoping it stays looking great for a long time.”
You can read more about this restoration, with lots of photos, on The Virtual Weber Bulletin Board.