A couple of weeks ago we discussed repainting the outside of the firebox to restore it like new. It’s also possible to clean the inside of the firebox as part of a restoration project.
Assuming that you give your grill a thorough cleaning once or twice a year, there’s little you need to do to maintain the inside of your gas grill firebox. Just brush any loose material with a stiff bristle brush or scrape it with a putty knife and you’re good to go. But if you’re restoring an old, abused grill, you might want to do a deep cleaning.
Enter an angle grinder and a cup wire brush. That’s what TVWBB member AnthonyJ used when restoring the Weber Genesis Silver C shown in these photos.

Anthony spent $60 buying this grill and then replaced the following parts during the restoration:
- Flavorizer bars
- Burner tubes
- Cooking grates
- Caster wheels
- Igniters
- Misc screws
- Plastic Hinge for the side burner cover
You can read more about Anthony’s restoration on The Virtual Weber Bulletin Board.